Equitrans, L.P. Sunrise Expansion Project - Implementation Plan Attachments under CP11-68.
Pipeline Project Area (Provided by URS) 1. Note that topsoil and subsoil will be segregated for the entire length of the project and label any storage areas for such. As stated in Step 10 in the General Construction Sequence and BMP Installation on Sheet 2 of 174, topsoil and subsoil segregation shall occur in agricultural, wetland, or residential areas for the entire project. URS amended Step 10 to include the following: topsoil and subsoil segregation will be utilized for the trench excavation within all upland areas in the PA portion of the project, unless specifically requested otherwise by the landowner. Additionally, all top and subsoil stockpiling will be located within the construction ROW. Please refer to Detail 16 on Sheet 21 of 174 for an example of how the topsoil and subsoil will be stockpiled within the construction ROW. 2. Provide a typical installation detail for silt fence that shows it being installed on contour, not running up and down hills along the edge of the right-of-way. Detail 6 Filter Fabric Fence on Sheet 15 of 174, Detail 7 Compost Filter Sock on Sheet 16 of 174, and Detail 8 Straw Bale Barrier on Sheet 16 of 174 have been revised to indicate installation of the above-referenced sediment barriers on level, existing contour. Also, included in all of these details is the note that these sediment barriers are not to be used to delineate project boundaries. Jefferson Compressor Station (Provided by LA) 1. Benches can be installed on 3:1 slopes as well and if permanent channels are going to be installed on the fill slope they will have to be sized for the 10-year/1hr storm event, which will likely make them about the same size as the benches when the required freeboard is added in. Plus they would need to have suitable protective liners that are not permeable. As shown on the Jefferson plan drawing, the fill slope will be constructed on a 3:1 slope without benches in order to minimize the construction footprint. The diversion channels shown on a prior drawing have been removed in lieu of diversion of water through a compost filter sock and diversion berm at the top of slope, into rock lined channels that will function to reduce velocity of flow and minimize erosion during construction. As part of final restoration, the diversion berm and compost filter sock will be removed, allowing surface water to sheet flow over the 3:1 slope. Equitrans I 625 Liberty Avenue Suite 1700 I Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3111 2 T 412.553.5700 I F 412.553.5757 I www.eqt....
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