Tesoro High Plains Pipeline Company LLC submits tariff filing per 341.4 & 342.2: Initial Rates to Stampede, ND to be effective 6/30/2013 under IS13-271 Filing Type : 830
GULF SOUTH PIPELINE COMPANY, LP PETAL GAS STORAGE, L.L.C. DOCKET NO. CP13-_____-000 EXHIBIT F1 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT SUMMARY OF FILING INFORMATION Data Found in To be INFORMATION Sources 1 Section Filed Additional Information Often Missing and Resulting in Data Requests Describe all authorizations required to complete the proposed action and D 1.6 the status of applications for such authorizations. Provide plot/site plans of all other aboveground facilities that are not completely within the right-of-way. D Appendix 1B Provide detailed typical construction right-of-way cross-section diagrams showing information such as widths and relative locations of existing rights-of-way, new permanent right-of-way, and Appendix 1B temporary construction right-of-way. Summarize the total acreage of land affected by construction and BB 1.2 operation of the project. If Resource Report 5, Socioeconomics is not provided, provide the start and end dates of construction, the number of pipeline spreads N/A N/A that would be used, and the workforce per spread. Send two (2) additional copies of topographic maps and aerial images/photographs directly to the environmental staff of the D Appendix 1A Office of Energy Projects (OEP). 1 D Applicant BB Resource Report 8 N/A = Not Applicable SOUTHEAST MARKET EXPANSION PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT 1 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Table of Contents 1.0 General Project Description ....................................................................................1-1 1.1 Proposed Facilities.....................................................................................................1-1 1.1.1 Purpose and Need ..........................................................................................1-1 1.1.2 Location and Description of Facilities ..............................................................1-2 1.2 Land Requirements....................................................................................................1-5 1.2.1 Pipeline Facilities.............................................................................................1-6 1.2.2 Aboveground Facilities ..................................................................................1-11 1.2.3 Construction and Operation Access ..............................................................1-12 1.3 Construction Procedures..........................................................................................1-12 1.3.1 General Construction Procedures .................................................................1-13 1.3.2 Specialized Construction Techniques ............................................................1-19 1.3.3 Aboveground Facilities ..................................................................................1-26 1.3.4 Environmental Compliance, Training, and Inspection ....................................1-26 1.3.5 Construction Schedule ..................................................................................1-29 1.4 Operation and main
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