Notice of Gas Transmisson Northwest Corp's 11/30/04 filing of Fourth Revised Sheet 6 as part of its FERC Gas Tariff, Thrid Revised Volume 1-A, to become effective 1/1/05 under RP05-100.

17517 FIELD FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION TECHNICAL CONFERENCE: Regulations Governing the Conduct Of Open Seasons For Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects Docket No. RM 05-1-000 Friday, December 3, 2004 Assembly Chambers Municipality of Anchorage, Loussac Library 3600 Denali Street Anchorage, Alaska 10:00 a.m. 17517 FIELD Appearances: Pat Wood, III, Chairman, FERC Commissioner Nora Mead Brownell, FERC Commissioner Joseph Kelliher, FERC Commissioner Suedeen Kelly, FERC Governor Frank H. Murkowski U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski State Senate President Gene Therriault State Representative Ralph Samuels Chairman Kate Giard, Regulatory Commission of Alaska Commissioner Dave Harbour, RCA Commissioner Jim Strandberg, RCA Commissioner Mark Johnson, RCA Commissioner Tony Price, RCA 17517 FIELD P R O C E E D I N G S CHAIRMAN PAT WOOD: Good morning. We would like to invite everybody whos still standing to please take a seat. There are plenty of seats here, thanks to the wonderful City. Im Pat Wood, Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and our Commission is meeting here. So I will call this meeting of our Commission to order to consider the matter which is posted for this time and this place. We always start our meeting with a pledge to the flag, so please join us. (Pledge of allegiance.) CHAIRMAN WOOD: Thank you very much. Its a real honor to be here. I want to, first, do a few thank yous and then do a perspective for todays hearing. Thank you, first of all, to our good friend the Governor. He was the reason Nora Brownell and I got confirmed before the Senate changed to the other party back in 01 when the California energy crisis was on the energy agenda. Its always good to be in his home state. Were honored to have here with us as well Lisa Murkowski, Senator from the State. 17517 FIELD We had a nice visit last night. Its wonderful to have you in a leadership position in the U.S. Congress. Our colleagues are here from the Regulatory Commission of Alaska, and Im pleased to introduce Kate Giard, whos the chairman, and her colleagues on the Commission. Let me make sure I pronounce everybody correctly. Mark Johnson, Tony Price and Jim Strandberg, and our fifth commissioner, Dave Harbour, will be joining us around lunchtime. Its a pleasure to be your colleagues at the federal level, and we look forward to continuing the nice working relationship that our two organizations have had for many ...

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