Pieridae Energy's application to export natural gas through Canada to FTA and non-FTA nations under CP14-96.

May 13, 2015

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Dear FERC:

Please find attached the first three section of an Pieridae Energys application to export

natural gas through Canada to FTA and non-FTA nations, FE Docket No. 14-179-LNG.

(http://energy.gov/fe/downloads/pieridae-energy-usa-ltd-fe-dkt-no-14-179-lng); compare and con-

trast with footnote 6 appearing on page 1-3 of the AIM Project FEIS:

On September 29, 2014, FERC issued an order grating authorization to Dominion

to convert its existing Cove Point LNG import facility in Maryland to an export

facility. [. . . ] We also note that the AIM Project would flow gas in a northeast

direction, away from the Cove Point LNG facility.

This is to be part of the public record of CP14-96-000Lead Applicant: Algonquin Gas Trans-

mission, LLC.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Nightingale,

Professor of Physics



October 24, 2014

Fulbright & Jaworski LLP

801 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Mr. John Anderson Washington, D.C. 20004-2623

Office of Fossil Energy United States

U.S. Department of Energy

Direct line +1 202 662 4555

Docket Room 3F-056, FE-50


Forrestal Building

1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Tel +1 202 662 0200

Washington, DC 20585

Fax +1 202 662 4643


Re: Application for Long-Term, Multi-Contract Authorization to Export Natural Gas into

Canada for Consumption and through Canada to Free Trade and Non-Free Trade

Agreement Nations after Conversion into LNG by Pieridae Energy (USA) Ltd, FE Docket

No. 14-179 -LNG

Dear Mr. Anderson:

In the enclosed Application, Pieridae Energy (USA) Ltd ("Pieridae") seeks long-term, multi-

contract authorization, as further described below, to export to Canada up to 292 billion cubic

feet per year of natural gas each over the term of the requested authorization or with a heat

content of approximately 302.8 trillion British thermal units per year ("Btu/y") or 302,800,000

million Btu/y of natural gas. The natural gas will be exported near Baileyville, Maine on the

Maritimes & Northeast US Pipeline at or near meter station ID 30014.

Pursuant to Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act ("NGA") Pieridae requests the Department of

Energy, Office of Fossil Energy ("DOE/FE") grant permission to export natural gas into Canada

for consumption and through Canada, after conversion in Canada into LNG, to (i) any country

with which the United States of America ("US") currently has, or in the future may enter into, a

free trade agreement requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas and (ii) any country

with which the US does not have a free trade agreement requiring national treatment ...

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