Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Pearl Crossing LNG Project under CP04-374.

Section 3.0 Affected Environment Offshore Facilities Primary Contact Recreation Primary contact recreation is any recreational or other water contact use involving prolonged or regular full-body contact with the water and in which the probability of ingesting appreciable amounts of water is considerable. Examples of this type of water use include swimming, skiing, and diving. Secondary Contact Recreation Secondary contact recreation is any recreational or other water contact use in which body contact with the water is either incidental or accidental and the probability of ingesting appreciable amounts of water is minimal. Examples of this type of water use include fishing, wading, and boating. Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fish and wildlife propagation includes the use of water for aquatic habitat, food, resting, reproduction, cover, and/or travel corridors for any indigenous wildlife and aquatic life species associated with the aquatic environment. This designated use also includes the maintenance of water quality at a level that prevents damage to indigenous wildlife and aquatic life species associated with the aquatic environment and contamination of aquatic biota consumed by humans. Drinking Water Supply Drinking water supply refers to the use of water for human consumption and general household use. Oyster Propagation Oyster propagation is the use of water to maintain biological systems that support economically important species of oysters, clams, mussels, or other mollusks so that their productivity is preserved and the health of human consumers of these species is protected. Agriculture Agriculture involves the use of water for crop spraying, irrigation, livestock watering, poultry operations, and other farm purposes not related to human consumption. Outstanding Natural Resource Waters Outstanding natural resource waters include waterbodies designated for preservation, protection, reclamation, or enhancement of wilderness, aesthetic qualities, and ecological regimes, such as those designated under the Louisiana Natural and Scenic Rivers System or those designated by the LADEQ as waters of ecological significance. Characteristics of outstanding natural resource waters include, but are not limited to, highly diverse or unique instream and/or riparian habitat, high species diversity, balanced trophic structure, unique species, or similar qualities. Louisiana is divided into water quality management basins and subsegments1 for the purpose of water quality planning and regulatory permitting by the LADEQ. From approximate MP 50 to MP 53, the offshore pipelines would be located within the Sabine River Water Quality Management Basin and would cross the subsegment identified as the Sabine River Coastal Bays and Gulf Waters to State three- mile ...

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