Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC submits Supplemental Information under CP15-514.
COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION, LLC RESOURCE REPORT NO. 1 General Project Description LEACH XPRESS PROJECT October 2015 SUMMARY OF FILING INFORMATION Data Found in To be INFORMATION Sources1 Section Filed Minimum Requirements to Avoid Rejection 1. Provide a detailed description and location map of the project facilities. 1.1; 1.5; ( 380.12(c)(1)) D Appendix Include all pipeline and aboveground facilities. 1A Include support areas for construction or operation. Identify facilities to be abandoned. 2. Describe any non-jurisdictional facilities that would be built in association with the project. ( 380.12(c)(2)) Include auxiliary facilities (See 2.55(a)). Describe the relationship to the jurisdictional facilities. Include ownership, land requirements, gas consumption, megawatt D 1.7 size, construction status, and an update of the latest status of Federal, state, and local permits/approvals. Include the length and diameter of any interconnecting pipeline. Apply the four-factor test to each facility (see 380.12(c)(2)(ii)). 3. Provide current original U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute- series topographic maps with mileposts showing the project facilities. ( 380.12(c)(3)) Appendix D Maps of equivalent detail are acceptable if legible (check with staff) 1A Show locations of all linear project elements, and label them. Show locations of all significant aboveground facilities, and label them. 4. Provide aerial images or photographs or alignment sheets based on these sources with mileposts showing the project facilities. ( 380.12(c)(3)) Appendix D No more than 1-year old 1B Scale no smaller than 1:6,000 5. Provide plot/site plans of compressor stations showing the location of the nearest noise-sensitive areas (NSA) within 1 mile. ( 380.12(c)(3,4)) Scale no smaller than 1:3,600 D Appendix 1I Show reference to topographic maps and aerial alignments provided above. 6. Describe construction and restoration methods. ( 380.12(c)(6)) Include this information by milepost Make sure this is provided for offshore construction as well. For the D 1.3 offshore this information is needed on a mile-by-mile basis and will require completion of geophysical and other surveys before filing. 7. Identify the permits required for construction across surface waters. ( 380.12(c)(9)) Include the status of all permits. For construction in the Federal offshore area be sure to include D 1.6 consultation with the MMS. File with the MMS for rights-of-way grants at the same time or before you file with the FERC. 8. Provide the names and address of all affected landowners and certify that all affected landowners will be notified as required in 157.6(d). Appendix ( 380.12(c)(10)) D 1H Affected landowners are defined in 157.6(d) Provide an electronic copy directly to the environmental staff. 1-i LEACH XPRESS PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT 1 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION TABLE ...
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