Motion to Intervene, Protest, and Comments, and associated exhibits of Sierra Club and Gulf Restoration Network under CP13-25-000 and CP13-27.
CONTACT INFORMATION This document has been prepared by staff from the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Questions related to this document should be addressed to Alexander Macpherson, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, C445-B, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 (email: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In addition to EPA staff from the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, personnel from the U.S. EPA Office of Atmospheric Programs, EC/R Incorporated, and ICF International contributed data and analysis to this document. Specific sections where EC/R Incorporated made contributions include the sections describing emissions options, pollution control options, secondary impacts analysis, engineering cost analysis, and employment impacts. Specific sections where ICF International made contributions also include the sections describing emissions options, pollution control options, engineering cost analysis, employment impacts, and small business impacts. ii Compliance Costs for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production .............................................. 7-6 Adding Averted Methane Emissions into Natural Gas Production .......................................... 7-9 Fixing Canadian Drilling Costs to Baseline Path ................................................................... 7-10 7.2.3 Energy System Impacts ................................................................................................................... 7-11 Impacts on Drilling Activities ................................................................................................ 7-11 Impacts on Production, Prices, and Consumption .................................................................. 7-13 Impacts on Imports and National Fuel Mix ............................................................................ 7-17 7.3 EMPLOYMENT IMPACT ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 7-20 7.3.1 Employment Impacts from Pollution Control Requirements ........................................................... 7-21 7.3.2 Employment Impacts Primarily on the Regulated Industry ............................................................. 7-24 7.4 SMALL BUSINESS IMPACTS ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 7-28 7.4.1 Small Business National Overview ................................................................................................. 7-29 7.4.2 Small Entity Economic Impact Measures ........................................................................................ 7-34 7.4.3 Small Entity Economic Impact Analysis, Proposed NSPS .............................................................. 7-36 Overview of Sample Data and Methods ............................................
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