Abbreviated Application for A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Facilities Construction, for Reaffirmation of Market-Based Rate Authorization and Request for Expedited Treatment of Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC under CP12-36.

COPANO PLANT INTERCONNECTION PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT NO. 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY Resource Report No. 2 Water Use and Quality Copano Plant Interconnection Project December 2011 Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC December 2011 COPANO PLANT INTERCONNECTION PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT NO. 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY RESOURCE REPORT 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY SUMMARY OF FILING INFORMATION Found in 1. Identify all perennial surface waterbodies crossed Section 2.2 by the proposed project and their water quality Table 2.2-1 classification. (380.12(d)(1)) Identify by reference milepost. Table 2.2-1 Indicate if potable water intakes are within Section 2.1.4 3 miles downstream of the crossing. Figure 2.1-5 2. Identify all waterbody crossings that may have NA contaminated waters or sediments. Section 2.2.3 (380.12(d)(1)) Figure 2.2-3 Identify by reference milepost. NA Include offshore sediments. NA 3. Identify watershed areas, designated surface Section 2.2.4 water protection areas, and sensitive waterbodies Figure 2.2-4 crossed by the proposed project. (380.12(d)(1)) Identify by reference milepost. NA 4. Provide a table (based on National Wetland Section 2.3 Inventory maps if delineations have not been Table 2.2-1 done) identifying all wetlands, by reference milepost and length, crossed by the proposed project (including abandoned pipeline), and the total acreage and acreage of each wetland type that would be affected by construction. (380.12(d)(1&4)) 5. Discuss construction and restoration methods Sections 2.3 and 2.3.1 proposed for crossing wetlands, and compare them to staffs Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures. (380.12(d)(2)) 6. Describe the proposed waterbody construction, Section impact mitigation, and restoration methods to be Table 2.2-1 used to cross surface waters and compare to the staffs Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures. (380.12(d)(2)) Although the Procedures do not apply NA offshore, the first part of this requirement does apply. Be sure to include effects of sedimentation, etc. This information is needed on a mile-by-mile basis and will require completion of geophysical and other surveys before filing. (See also Resource Report 3.) 7. Provide original National Wetlands Inventory Figure 2.2-2 (NWI) maps or the appropriate state wetland Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC i December 2011 COPANO PLANT INTERCONNECTION PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT NO. 2 WATER USE AND QUALITY maps, if NWI maps are not available, that show all proposed facilities and include reference milepost locations for proposed pipeline routes. (380.12(d)(4)) 8. Identify all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 (USEPA) - or state-designated aquifers crossed. Figures 2.1-1 and 2.1-2 (380.12(d)(9)) Identify the location of known public and Section 2.1.4 private groundwater supply wells or springs Figures 2.1-4 and 2.1-5 within 150 feet of construction. Tres Palacios Gas Storage LLC ii December 2011

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