Paiute Pipeline Co submits an abbreviated application for an order authorizing the abandonment of a transportation service rendered to United Engine & Machine Co under CP06-24.
Exhibit A5 Average Annual and Cumulative Percent Changes 1 Operating Costs and Change in Net - Plant Using Operating Ratio All Companies Reporting Data in Every Year 1999 - 2004 Annual Cumulative Change Change Selection Criteria 1999 - 2004 1999 - 2004 -----------------------------------------------(Percent)----------------------------------------- (a) (b) Middle 50 Percent (1) Weighted Average 3.22 % 17.15 % (2) Unweighted Average 3.63 19.53 (3) Median 3.25 17.31 (4) Composite 2 3.36 18.00 Middle 80 Percent (5) Weighted Average 3.91 % 21.16 % (6) Unweighted Average 4.07 22.07 (7) Median 3.25 17.31 (8) Composite 3 3.74 20.18 (9) PPI FG 2.23 % 11.65 % (10) Difference from 50% Composite (4) - (9) 1.14 6.34 (11) Difference from 80% Composite (8) - (9) 1.51 8.52 1 Operating Costs include both operating expenses and capital expenses as defined in the FERC Form 6. 2 Average of (1), (2) and (3). 3 Average of (5), (6) and (7). Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics website, OPRI's DataPik. AOPL Compilation of FERC Form 6 Submissions by Oil Pipeline Companies. Page 1 of 32 Exhibit A6 Weighted Index of Operating Costs and Carrier Net - Plant per Barrel - Mile All Companies Reporting Data in Every Year 1999 - 2004 125 PPI FG 120 Composite of Middle 50% Composite of Middle 80% 115 Index Value 110 105 100 95 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year Page 2 of 32 Data for Exhibit A6 PPI FG Composite of Middle 50% Composite of Middle 80% 1999 100 100 100 2000 103.7593985 102.5354622 104.6548466 2001 105.7894737 111.5449638 112.2699012 2002 104.4360902 114.1584885 115.0634641 2003 107.7443609 117.2811317 118.3189252 2004 111.6541353 117.9976939 120.178477 Page 3 of 32 Weighted CAPEX_OPEX All Years total BM weighted percentage change from 1999 (base) to year xx Company 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 PLAINS PIPELINE -0.466025806 -0.360420418 0.323493504 1.195117342 0.810377581 33,789,769,848 -15746904712 -12178522963 10930771054 40382739939 27382471955 AMOCO CAPLINE PIPELINE CO -0.488126742 -0.308421983 -0.143595693 -0.238635588 -0.147846581 18,408,553,000 -8985707006 -5677602423 -2643388928 -4392935876 -2721641617 CCPS TRANSPORTATION LLC 1.320981101 1.666826229 2.342573574 3.115392723 0.703371571 5,543,669,000 7323081981 9240332896 12986452501 17270706060 3899259173 SUNOCO PIPELINE LP 0.343760652 -0.323733958 0.254709713 0.207298234 0.054532597 25,530,518,648 8776387734 -8265095855 6502871069 5292431426 1392245484 BELLE FOURCHE PIPELINE CO 0.210396691 0.10311127 0.255040178 0.238754032 -0.193044467 414,170,732 87140151.33 42705670.25 105630177 98884932.32 -79953368 BLACK LAKE 0.329792031 0.631862282 0.854254418 0.224543312 0.07874659 1,427,307,446 470714621.4 901861739.6 1219283692 320492340.8 112395594.5 BP AMERICA INC 1.441639148 0.293848301 -0.457474483 -0.429030857 0.366899082 23,059,085,263 33242880022 6775873026 -10548943116 -9893059119 8460357214 BP OIL PIPELINE CO 0.075274253 -0.136902501 -0.108662375 -0.10400
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