Ingleside Energy Center, LLC submits its CD containing Environmental Resource Report 2 for the month of October, 2004 under CP05-13. Volume 1. E:Volume I - PublicRR2.
Resource Report No. 7 SOILS Ingleside Energy Center LLC October 2004 . 05120-056 7-1 October 2004 TRR07 - Soils.doc INGLESIDE ENERGY CENTER LLC RESOURCE REPORT NO. 7 SOILS RESOURCE REPORT 7 SOILS SUMMARY OF FILING INFORMATION To be Data Found in Submitted at Information Sources1 Section a Later Date Filing Requirements 1. Identify, describe, and group by milepost the soils L, W, X, CC 7.1 affected by the proposed pipeline and aboveground facilities. ( 380.12(I)(1)) List the soil associations by milepost and describe their characteristics. 2. For aboveground facilities that would occupy sites over 5 C, H, L, W, X, 7.2 acres, determine the acreage of prime farmland soils that CC would be affected by construction and operation. ( 380.12(I)(2)) List the soil series, describe their characteristics and percentages within the site. Indicate the onsite percentage of each series that would be permanently affected. Indicate which series are considered prime or unique farmland. 3. Describe by milepost potential impacts on soils. ( C, K, W, Y, CC Not applicable 380.12(I)(3,4)) 4. Identify proposed mitigation to minimize impact on soils C, D, H, K, W, Y, 7.3.1 and compare with the staffs Upland Erosion Control, CC Revegetation, and Maintenance Plan. ( 380.12(I)(5)) Identify any measures of the Plan that are deemed unnecessary, technically infeasible, or unsuitable and describe alternative measures that will ensure an equal or greater level of protection. Responses to Environmental Information Request (9/28/04) 1. During the scoping period, the City of Port Aransas indicated that large ships passing through the shipping channel within city limits have resulted in significant shoreline erosion. The City of Port Aransas indicated that the LNG companies proposing facilities in the Corpus Christi Bay area "are aware of this problem and are willing to look at ways they can participate in the solution." Describe this issue from Occidental's perspective and how Occidental intends to participate in a solution. Include in this response a quantitative analysis of erosion caused from wake and drawdown specifically associated with LNG ships. 2. Section 7.2 indicates that the upper one to six feet of soils 7.2 is classified as fill material in the area of the proposed LNG tanks, process area, and marine terminal. Specify what this fill material is composed of. Identify where this material would be disposed of and whether there are any regulatory considerations relative to this disposal. 05120-056 7-2 October 2004 TRR07 - Soils.doc INGLESIDE ENERGY CENTER LLC RESOURCE REPORT NO. 7 SOILS To be Data Found in Submitted at Information Sources1 Section a Later Date 3. Provide copies ...
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