Notice of Texas Eastern Transmission, LP's 12/19/03 filing of Original Sheet 521A to FERC Gas Tariff, Seventh Revised Volume 1, effective January 18, 2004 under RP04-116.

Resource Report 2: Water Use and Quality

FERC Environmental Checklist:

  • Identify all perennial surface waterbodies (by milepost) crossed by the project and their water quality classification.
  • Indicate if potable water intakes are within 3 miles downstream of the waterbody crossings.
  • Identify all waterbody crossings (by milepost) that may have contaminated waters or sediments.
  • Provide a table identifying all wetlands (by milepost and length) crossed by the project and the total affected acreage.
  • Discuss construction and restoration methods proposed for crossing wetlands and compare them to FERC’s Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures.
  • Describe the proposed waterbody construction, impact mitigation, and restoration methods to be used to cross surface waters.
  • Identify all U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or state-designated aquifers crossed.
  • Identify the location of known public and private groundwater supply wells or springs within 150 feet of construction.

Additional Information:

  • Propose mitigation impacts on groundwater resources.
  • Discuss the potential for blasting to affect water wells, springs, and wetlands, and associated mitigation.
  • Identify all sources of hydrostatic test water, the quantity of water required, methods for withdrawal, treatment of discharge, and any water products generated.
  • If underground storage of natural gas is proposed, describe how water produced from the storage field will be disposed.
  • If salt caverns are proposed for storage of natural gas, identify the source locations, the quantity required, the method and rate of water withdrawal, and disposal methods.

Hydrostatic Test Water and Construction:

  • Prior to being placed into service, the proposed pipeline will be hydrostatically tested to ensure structural integrity.
  • Withdrawal and discharge of hydrostatic test water will comply with all applicable federal and state permits.
  • Cheniere will minimize environmental impacts by utilizing best practices, such as maintaining adequate stream flow rates and discharging water through vegetated areas or erosion control barriers.

Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures:

  • Stream crossings will follow FERC’s 2003 Wetland and Waterbody Construction and Mitigation Procedures.
  • Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) crossings will be used for significant waterbodies to minimize environmental impacts.
  • Boring techniques may also be used, with workspaces located outside of wetlands where possible.
  • Open cut crossings will be limited to intermittent streams or minor streams, with measures to stabilize and restore the banks post-construction.

For complete details, download the full document.

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