Rover Pipeline LLC Supplement to the Environmental Report - Volume II-A, Volume III, and Volume IV under CP15-93.



Resource Report 6 Geological Resources



Updated Tables June 2015

TABLE 6A-3 Bedrock Geology Crossed by the Pipelines ........................................................................... 1

TABLE 6A-5 Mines within 0.25 mile of the Pipelines .............................................................................. 15

TABLE 6A-6 Oil and Gas wells within 0.25 mile of the Pipelines ............................................................ 21

June 2015



Resource Report 6 Geological Resources


Bedrock Geology Crossed by the Pipelines

Begin End Description

Pipeline Segment State Formation Map Symbol

MP MP Primary Secondary

Supply Laterals:

Sherwood Lateral WV 0.00 0.30 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

WV 0.30 0.42 Monongahela sandstone siltstone PAm

WV 0.42 0.72 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

WV 0.72 1.50 Monongahela sandstone siltstone PAm

WV 1.50 1.67 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

WV 1.67 1.80 Monongahela sandstone siltstone PAm

WV 1.80 2.32 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

WV 2.32 2.67 Monongahela sandstone siltstone PAm

WV 2.67 3.34 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

WV 3.34 3.52 Monongahela sandstone siltstone PAm

WV 3.52 35.62 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

WV 35.62 35.74 Monongahela alluvium Qal

OH 35.73 36.15 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 36.15 42.85 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 42.85 42.96 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 42.96 43.74 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 43.74 43.81 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 43.81 46.00 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 46.00 46.22 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 46.22 50.07 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 50.07 50.59 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 50.59 52.60 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

1 June 2015



Resource Report 6 Geological Resources


Bedrock Geology Crossed by the Pipelines

Begin End Description

Pipeline Segment State Formation Map Symbol

MP MP Primary Secondary

Sherwood Lateral OH 52.60 52.77 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 52.77 54.05 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

CGT Lateral WV 0.00 0.30 Monongahela sandstone siltstone PAm

WV 0.30 5.68 Dunkard sandstone siltstone Pd

Seneca Lateral OH 0.00 2.08 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 2.08 2.19 Conemaugh Group siltstone shale PAc

OH 2.19 2.36 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 2.36 2.43 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 2.43 2.52 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 2.52 2.64 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 2.64 2.69 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 2.69 2.78 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 2.78 2.93 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 2.93 3.00 Dunkard Group mudstone shale PPAd

OH 3.00 3.22 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 3.22 3.32 Conemaugh Group siltstone shale PAc

OH 3.32 3.53 Monongahela Group shale siltstone PAm

OH 3.53 3.76 Conemaugh Group siltstone shale PAc

OH 3.

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