Colorado Interstate Gas Company submits tariff filing per 154.203: Rate Case Implementation Filing to be effective 10/1/2011 under RP11-2423 Filing Type : 580

TEXAS LNG BROWNSVILLE LLC TEXAS LNG PROJECT Resource Report 6 Geological Resources Draft Docket No. PF15-14-000 Prepared by October 2015 TEXAS LNG BROWNSVILLE LLC TEXAS LNG PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT 6 GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Environmental Checklist Minimum Filing Requirements: Report Section Reference Identify the location (by milepost) of mineral resources and any planned or active surface Sections 6.3, 6.4, and 6.6 mines crossed by the proposed facilities. (380.12(h)(1&2)) Describe hazards to the facilities from mining activities, including subsidence, blasting, slumping or landsliding, or other ground failure. Identify any geologic hazards to the proposed facilities. ( 380.12(h)(2)) Section 6.4 For the offshore this information is needed on a mile-by-mile basis and will require completion of geophysical and other surveys before filing. Discuss the need for and locations where blasting may be necessary in order to construct Section 6.6 the proposed facilities. ( 380.12(h)(3)) For liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in seismic areas, the materials required by "Data Section 6.4.1 Requirements for the Seismic Review of LNG Facilities,"NBSIR84-2833. ( 380.12(h)(5)) For underground storage facilities, how drilling activity by others within or adjacent to the Not Applicable facilities would be monitored, and how old wells would be located and monitored within the facility boundaries. ( 380.12(h)(6)) Additional Information: Identify any sensitive paleontological resource areas crossed by the proposed facilities. Section 6.7 (Usually only if raised in scoping or required by land-managing agency.) Briefly summarize the physiography and bedrock geology of the project. Section 6.2 If the application is for underground storage facilities: Not Applicable Describe monitoring of potential effects of the operation of adjacent storage or production facilities on the proposed facility, and vice versa; Describe measures taken to locate and determine the condition of old wells within the field and buffer zone and how the applicant would reduce risk from failure" of known and undiscovered wells: and, Identify and discuss safety and environmental safeguards required by state and Federal drilling regulations. TEXAS LNG BROWNSVILLE LLC TEXAS LNG PROJECT RESOURCE REPORT 6 GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.0 RESOURCE REPORT 6 GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES .......................................... 6-1 6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 6-1 6.2 Geologic Setting .............................................................................................. 6-1 6.2.1 Topography .......................................................................................... 6-3 6.2.2 Geotechnical Investigations .................................................................. 6-3 6.3 Mineral Resources .......................................................................

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