Mars Oil Pipeline Company submits tariff filing per 341.4 & 342.2: Mars FERC 27.6.0--Rules Revision to be effective 6/1/2013 under IS13-267 Filing Type : 830

20050416-2824 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/13/2013 ig~0 40 ihAST TENNESSEE L ,~c, ~VSRAL GAS COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT 20050416-2824 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/13/2013 Highlights 1970 1969 FINANCIAL Operating Revenues . $32,507,385 $29,525,506 Net Income Available for Common Stock 2,355,545 1,960,968 Earnings per Common Share $ 1.82 $ 1.51 Cash Dividends per Common Share . 80 If 806 OPERATING Natural Gas Sales lMCF at 14.73 p.s.i.a.): Distributing Utilities. 58,316,871 52,521,250 Industrial Customers. 26,365,822 25,251,930 Total MCF Sales 84,682,693 77,773,180 Miles of Pipeline 1,013 1,008 Compressor Horsepower 18,320 15,320 Number of Communities Served 108 108 Number of Industries Served . 18 18 20050416-2824 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 08/13/2013 Letter to Stockholders Increased deliveries of natural gas resulted in sisted of 1,013 miles of pipeline and 18,320 higher operating revenues and net income for compressor horsepower in nine compressor sta- East Tennessee Natural Gas Company in 1970. tions. Operating revenues for 1970 totaled New gas service rates were filed with the Fed- $32,507,385, compared with $ 29,525,506 in eral Power Commission on September 30, 1970. 1969. There was a gain of $2,969,283 in reve- The Commission suspended the new rates until nues from natural gas sales, principally from April 15, 1971, at which time they are to go into increased sales to distributing utilities. effect subject to refund, pending final determi- nation by the Commission. Net income rose to $2,355,545 in 1970, from $ 1,960,968 in 1969, resulting in earnings per The proposed increase is equal to an average common share of $ 1.82 for 1970, as opposed of about 12If per thousand cubic feet on the to $ 1.51 per share the previous year. The per Company's annual gas deliveries and will pro- share earnings are based on 1,295,106 common duce approximately $ 7.2 million a year in addi- shares outstanding in both years. tional revenues from natural gas service. The major portion of the increase is necessary be- Natural gas deliveries increased by approxi- cause of a rise in cost of purchased gas supply. mately 9%, totaling 84.7 billion cubic feet for It is the Company's first rate increase application the year and averaging 232.0 million cubic feet in 11 years, although there have been a number per day. Sales to distributing utilities accounted of rate reductions during that penod. for 58.3 billion cubic feet of the total and direct sales to industrial customers amounted to 26.4 Cash dividends of BOIf per share were paid billion cubic feet. During 1969, total deliveries on the Company's common stock during 1970, were 77.8 billion cubic feet, or a daily average at the quarterly rate of 204 per share. of 213.1 million cubic feet. The Company has 136 employees whose skills The Company's natural gas pipeline facilities and loyalty are well recognized. We are pleased wereexpanded during 1970 following receipt of to thank them for their efforts. ...

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