Rio Grande LNG, LLC, et al. Draft Resource Report No. 9 under PF15-20.
December 23, 2015 Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP 799 9th Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, D.C. 20001-4501 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING United States Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Direct line +1 202 662 4555 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Tel +1 202 662 0200 Washington, D.C. 20426 Fax +1 202 662 4643 Re: Rio Grande LNG, LLC and Rio Bravo Pipeline Company, LLC Docket No. PF15-20-000 Draft Resource Report 9 Dear Ms. Bose: On April 13, 2015, the Director of the Office of Energy Projects of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a notice approving the use of the FERCs Pre-Filing Review Process for the Rio Grande LNG Export Project and Rio Bravo Pipeline Project in the above-referenced docket. Pursuant to sections 157.21 and 380.12 of the FERCs regulations, 18 C.F.R. 157.21 and 380.12 (2015), Rio Grande LNG, LLC and Rio Bravo Pipeline Company, LLC submit herewith for filing in the referenced proceeding Draft Resource Report 9: Air Quality and Noise. Should you have any questions about this filing, please feel free to contact the undersigned at (202) 662-4555. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Erik J.A. Swenson Erik J.A. Swenson Islara U. Irgit Attorneys for Rio Grande LNG, LLC and Rio Bravo Pipeline Company, LLC EJAS/IUI Enclosures cc: Gertrude Johnson (FERC) Jennifer McCoy (Edge Engineering and Science, LLC) 1009107.0002 PF15-20-000 Rio Grande LNG Project Rio Bravo Pipeline Project Draft Resource Report 9: Air Quality and Noise December 23, 2015 Prepared for: 3 Waterway Square Place, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77380 Prepared by: 2 Riverway, Suite 625 Houston, TX 77056 Draft Resource Report 9: Air Quality and Noise SUMMARY OF FILING INFORMATION INFORMATION SECTION REFERENCE Minimum Filing Requirements Describe the existing air quality, including background levels of nitrogen dioxide and Terminal: other criteria pollutants which may be emitted above EPA-identified significance Section 9.2.3 levels. ( 380.12(k)(1)) Pipeline: Section 9.2.4 Quantitatively describe existing noise levels at noise-sensitive areas, such as schools, hospitals, or residences and include any areas covered by relevant state or local noise ordinances. ( 380.12(k)(2)) Report existing noise levels as the Leq (day), Leq (night), and Ldn and include the basis for the data or estimates. Terminal: For existing compressor stations, include the results of a sound level survey at Section 9.3.2; Appendix 9.D the site property line and nearby noise-sensitive areas while the compressors Pipeline: are operated at full load. Section 9.3.3 For proposed new compressor station sites, measure or estimate the existing ambient sound environment based on current land uses and activities. Include a plot plan that identifies the locations and duration ...
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