Letter order accepting Northern Natural Gas Co's 3/5/03 filing of 1 Revised Ninth Revised Sheet 201 et al to FERC Gas Tariff, Fifth Revised Volume 1 effective 2/13/03 under RP03-235.
Docket No. Docket No. Docket No. RM03-6-000 - 1 - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 103 FERC * 61, 023 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION 18 CFR Parts 4, 16, 141, 157 [Docket No. Docket No. Docket No. RM03-6-000] Amendments to Conform Regulations with Order No. 630 (Critical Energy Infrastructure Information Final Rule) (April 9, 2003) AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is proposing to revise its regulations requiring that companies make information directly available to the public under certain circumstances. The revisions are necessary to conform these regulations to Order No. 630, which established guidelines for the handling of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII). In order to restrict availability of information that could be used in a terrorist attack against the nations energy infrastructure, Order No. 630 explained that the Commission believed CEII would be exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The order set out a definition of CEII and established procedures for persons with a legitimate need for such information to follow in seeking access to it. Order No. 630 only covered information submitted to or prepared by the Commission. The revisions proposed in this rulemaking address instances in which the Commissions rules and regulations require companies to make information available directly to the public. Revisions will be necessary to ensure that protection of CEII is consistent in both contexts. DATES: Comments are due [insert date 30 days after publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER]. ADDRESSES: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington DC, 20426 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Wilbur T. Miller Office of General Counsel Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20426 (202) 502-8953 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Docket No. Docket No. Docket No. RM03-6-000 - 1 - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Docket No.Amendments to Conform Regulations with Order No. 630Docket No. RM03-6- 000 (Critical Energy Infrastructure Information Final Rule) NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING (April 9, 2003) I. INTRODUCTION 1. In this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), the Commission proposes specific changes to its regulations that require companies to make certain information available directly to the public. The changes are necessary to reconcile those regulations with Order No. 630, which established standards and procedures for the handling of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) submitted to or created by the Commission.[1] Because Order No. 630 addressed only situations in which a person might seek access to CEII that is in the Commissions possession, further changes to ensure ...
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