Texas Eastern Transmission, LP submits tariff filing per 154.204: Customer Name Changes Jan 2014 Cleanup to be effective 2/7/2014 under RP14-354 Filing Type : 570

Texas Eastern Transmission, LP Part 5 - Rate Schedules FERC Gas Tariff 21. Rate Schedule FTS-7 Eighth Revised Volume No. 1 Version 3.0.0 Page 1 of 5 RATE SCHEDULE FTS-7 FIRM TRANSPORTATION SERVICE 1. AVAILABILITY This Rate Schedule is available to any party (hereinafter called Customer) when Customer and Texas Eastern Transmission, LP (hereinafter called Pipeline) have executed a service agreement for service under Rate Schedule FTS-7. Such service agreements shall be in the form contained in Pipeline's FERC Gas Tariff of which this Rate Schedule FTS-7 is a part. 2. APPLICABILITY AND CHARACTER OF SERVICE 2.1 Transportation service hereunder shall be firm, except as provided herein and in Pipeline's General Terms and Conditions of this FERC Gas Tariff of which this Rate Schedule is a part. Service under this Rate Schedule does not constitute No- notice Service as that term is used in Order No. 636. 2.2 Pipeline shall receive for Customer's account, at Customer's Point(s), for transportation hereunder daily Quantities of Gas up to Customer's Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ), plus Applicable Shrinkage. Pipeline shall transport and deliver for Customer's account, at the CNG Point(s), such daily quantities tendered up to such Customer's MDQ. Customer's MDQ shall be specified in the executed service agreement. 2.3 Pipeline shall receive for Customer's account, at the CNG Points(s), for transportation hereunder daily Quantities of Gas up to Customer's Maximum Daily Quantity (MDQ), plus Applicable Shrinkage. Pipeline shall transport and deliver for Customer's account, at the Customer's Point(s), such daily quantities tendered up to such Customer's MDQ. Customer's MDQ shall be specified in the executed service agreement. 3. RATE 3.1 The applicable rates for service hereunder are set forth in the currently effective Statement of Rates for Rate Schedule FTS-7 of this FERC Gas Tariff and are hereby incorporated herein. The rates in this Rate Schedule are subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 15 of Pipeline's General Terms and Conditions. Issued on: January 7, 2014 Effective on: February 7, 2014 Texas Eastern Transmission, LP Part 5 - Rate Schedules FERC Gas Tariff 21. Rate Schedule FTS-7 Eighth Revised Volume No. 1 Version 3.0.0 Page 2 of 5 3.2 Customer shall pay Pipeline each Month the sum of the following amounts: (A) Reservation Charge: The Reservation Charge Rate, as determined pursuant to Section 3.1 herein, multiplied by the MDQ specified in the executed service agreement, and (B) Monthly Usage Charge consisting of the sum of the following daily charges: (1) The Usage-2 Charge Rate, as set forth on the Statement of Rates for Rate Schedule FTS-7, multiplied by ...

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