Comments of Victor & Catherine Hensley re the Dominion's Cove Point's Project under CP13-113.

20140324-0018 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 03/24/2014 March 13, 2014 GRIGitig CA Prt Kimberly D. Bose n Secretary =-~r . Federal Energy Regulatory Commission '';~ 888 First Street, N.E. fT'A Washington, D.C. 2o426 D~ X in",- In m Reference CPt3-u3 Secretary Bose, We support Dominion Cove Point's project to export excess natural gas from its LNG facility, and we strongly urge you to as well. Not only is natural gas abundant and safe, it is dean. As such, the Cove Point exporting project will have beneficial impact locally and globally. Exporting surplus natural gas to industrial nations like Japan and India will help to cut pollution in those countries and reduce global carbon emissions. Natural gas development has made America more energy self-sufficient. Our community will be able to realize impacts from exporting natural gas directly, as Cove Point is positioned to readily export excess natural gas. Globally, the project will aid the environment by reducing its dependency on energy sources such as coal and oil, strengthening America's position in the world. This export project will also help restore our country's trade balance. Here, in the Calvert County community, the project will create additional tax revenue, construction jobs, and spending. The Calvert community is in need of economic growth, and the Cove Point LNG terminal has been a valued part of the Calvert County community for over 4o years. Allowing the LNG project to go forward will enable Calvert County's regional economy to grow stronger a great thing for our local community. Sincerely, Victor and Catherine Hensley 38ox Summer City Boulevard Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732 20140324-0018 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 03/24/2014 Document Content(s) 13490483.tif..........................................................1-1

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