Supplemental Information of Cameron LNG, LLC under CP12-15.
JD Morris Manager, Permitting & Compliance 16945 Northchase Dr. Suite 1150 Houston, TX 77060 713-298-5479 January 10, 2012 Ms. Kimberly D. Bose Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: Cameron LNG, LLC, Docket Nos. CP12-15-000 Dear Ms. Bose, On November 4, 2011 Cameron LNG, LLC (Cameron) filed an application to construct and operate a BOG liquefaction unit at its Cameron LNG Terminal near Hackberry, Louisiana. At that time, Cameron indicated it would be supplementing its application with an additional vapor dispersion exclusion analysis report for the LNG systems as soon as the report was available. The report is now complete and is enclosed in Attachments 1 and 2. The vapor dispersion exclusion zone analysis indicates that -LFL isopleths resulting from a credible release of LNG from the proposed BOG facilities would remain well within facility limits, more than 350 ft from the nearest property line. Attachment 1 includes the report, Vapor Dispersion Exclusion Analysis for LNG Systems, completed by CH-IV International. The CH- IV report includes two separate reports completed by Exponent, Inc as Appendix B and Appendix C. These two reports are Vapor Dispersion from Jetting and Flashing and Vapor Dispersion from Trenches and Troughs, respectively. The appendices for the two Exponent, Inc. reports contain privileged and confidential information and have been placed in Attachment 2 for purposes of filing. Please note the information provided in Attachment 1 contains Critical Energy Infrastructure Information ("CEII") as defined in the Commission's regulations, 18 C.F.R. 388. 113(c)(1). Accordingly, the information therein has been marked "Contains Critical Energy Infrastructure Information DO NOT RELEASE." Information in Attachment 2 contains privileged and Confidential information and has been marked Privileged and Confidential DO NOT RELEASE. Please contact me if you have any questions related to this request. Thank you for your attention to these matters. Respectfully submitted, Cameron LNG FERC Submittal /s/JD Morris JD Morris Manager, Permitting & Compliance Cameron LNG, LLC cc: Bill Rapp Bill Lansinger Cameron LNG FERC Submittal ATTACHMENT 1 VAPOR DISPERSION EXCLUSION ANALYIS FOR LNG SYSTEMS CH-IV International Note Attachment 1 contains Critical Energy Infrastructure information and has been removed from the public version. Contains Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) DO NOT RELEASE Cameron LNG FERC Submittal ATTACHMENT 2 APPENDICES for EXPONENT, INC VAPOR DISPERSION REPORTS Note Attachment 2 contains privileged and confidential information and has been removed from the public version. Contains Privileged and Confidential Information DO NOT RELEASE
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