Draft Resource Reports 1 and 10 of PORT ARTHUR LNG, LLC under PF15-18.

JD Morris Director, Permitting & Compliance 2925 Briarpark Drive, Suite 900 Houston, TX 77042 713-298-5479 jmorris@sempraglobal.com May 5, 2015 Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 RE: Port Arthur LNG, LLC Draft Resource Reports 1 and 10 Docket No. PF15-18-000 Dear Ms. Bose: On March 31, 2015 the Director of the Office of Energy Projects of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) authorized Port Arthur LNG, LLC (Port Arthur LNG) to commence the Commissions pre-filing review process with respect to Port Arthur LNGs proposed Port Arthur Liquefaction Project. Pursuant to Sections 157.21 (f) (5) and 380.12 (c) of the Commissions regulations, Port Arthur LNG hereby submits a draft of Resource Reports 1 and 10. For questions concerning this submittal please contact Jim Thompson at 832-284-5685. Thank you for your attention to these matters. Respectfully submitted, /s/JD Morris JD Morris Director, Permitting & Compliance Port Arthur LNG, LLC cc: Jim Thompson Bill Rapp Bill Lansinger PORT ARTHUR LNG LIQUEFACTION PROJECT DRAFT RESOURCE REPORT NO. 1 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION Submitted by: Port Arthur LNG, LLC 2925 Briarpark Dr., Suite 900 Houston, TX 77042 May 2015 PORT ARTHUR LNG LIQUEFACTION PROJECT Draft Resource Report 1 - General Project Description See the Following To Verify Compliance with this Minimum FERC Filing Requirement: Resource Report Section: 1. Provide a detailed description and location map of the project facilities. ( 380.12(c)(1)) Section 1.1.2 Include all pipeline and aboveground facilities. Section 1.1.2 Include support areas for construction or operation. Section 1.6 Identify facilities to be abandoned. 2. Describe any nonjurisdictional facilities that would be built in association with the project. ( 380.12(c)(2)) Include auxiliary facilities (See 2.55(a)). Describe the relationship to the jurisdictional facilities. Section 1.9 Include ownership, land requirements, gas consumption, megawatt size, construction status, and an update of the latest status of Federal, state, and local permits/approvals. Include the length and diameter of any interconnecting pipeline. Apply the four-factor test to each facility (see 380.12(c)(2)(ii)). 3. Provide current original U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-minute-series topographic maps with mileposts showing the project facilities. ( 380.12(c)(3) Maps of equivalent detail are acceptable if legible (check with staff). Section 1.10 Show locations of all linear project elements, and label them. Show locations of all significant aboveground facilities, and label them. 4. Provide aerial images or photographs or alignment sheets based on these sources with mileposts showing the project facilities. ( 380.12(c)(3)) Section 1.10 No more than 1-year old. Scale no smaller than 1:6,000. 5. Provide plot/site plans of compressor stations showing the location of the nearest noise- ...

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