CenterPoint Energy Bakken Crude Services, LLC submits Petition for Declaratory Order under OR13-21. Check #1083094 in enclosed.

20130515-0200 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/14/2013 Vinson8zKlkins Ehsabeth Kohlhausen ekohthausenrmvetaw corn Tel +1 713 758 2560 Fax +1 713 615 5560 May 14, 2013 4 Cl The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose Secretary c Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street. N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Re: CenierPoinr Energv Bokken Crude Services, LLC Docket No. OR I 3- -000 Dear Secretary Bose: Pursuant to Rule 207 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Rules and Regulations of the Commission ("Commission" ), Ig ('.I-'.R. 385.207 (2012), ('enterpoint bs Energy Bakken Crude Services. LLC submits this Petition for Declaratory Order ("Petition" ). A check to pay the filing fee of $ 24.860.00 for this Petition is included herein. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned it'ou have any questions regarding this matter. Respectfully submitted, &'sr'li=obeih B. Kohlhousen Elizabeth B. Kohlhausen Attornev for CenterPoint Energy Bakken Crude Services. LLC Enclosure Vinson & Elkms LLP Attorneys at Law First City Tower 1001 Fannin Street Suite 2500 Abu Dhabi Austm Beihng Dallas Dubai Hong Kong Houston London Moscow Houston TX 77002-6760 New York Palo Alto Riyadh San Franmsco Shanghai Tokyo Wash ngton Tel +1 713 758 2222 Fax +1 713 758 2346 www.velaw corn I la lkr)dtt74t. t 20130515-0200 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/14/2013 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION CenterPoint Energy Docket No. OR I 3- Bakken Crude Services, LLC PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER 20130515-0200 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 05/14/2013 Table of Contents I. Overviev, Statement II. Background. A. Description of the Project. B. Benefits of the Project. C. Open Season.. D. Terms of Service for the Project. E. Rates for Service on the Project.. F. Rights of Committed Shippers to Expansion Capacity. .10 G. TSA Extension Rights. .10 III. Rulings for Which a Declaratory Order Is Sought.. IV, Discussion. ..12 A. Commission precedent supports CPE Bakken's request to obtain regulatory assurances. ..12 B. The Requested Rulings Are Consistent with Commission Policy..... ......4 I I. The Commission should rule that the key provisions of the TSA that CPE Bakken seeks approval of herein will be upheld and will govern during the term of the TSA.......... 14 2. CPE Bakken's proposal to file the Committed Rates as settlement rates is consistent with Commission precedent. 15 3. The Commission should approve CPE Bakken's proposed adjustment mechanism applicable to thc Committed Rates and corresponding Uncommitted Rates.........................16 4. Commission precedent supports CPE Bakken's designation of capacity for Committed and Uncommitted Shippers. ..19 5. The proposed priority, or firm. service t'or Committed Shippers is lawful under existing Commission policy. 20 6. CPE Bakken's proposed treatment ol Incremental Barrels is appropriate.. 7. The proration policy that will govern the allocation of capacitv ...

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